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This kit allows you easy access to modules, ensuring rapid treatment of injuries. In addition to the below items, this kit contains the following modules:
Major bleeding module/ snake bite module
Eye care module
Burn module
Minor bleeding module
Fracture module

Total kit contents:
Setopress snake bite bandage x 1 
5 cm crepe bandage x 2
7.5 cm crepe bandage x 1
10 cm crepe bandage x 1
7.5 cm heavy crepe bandage x 1
10cm heavy crepe bandage x 2
10x10 combine dressing x 1
10x20 combine dressing x 1
10x10 non-stick dressing x 2
5x5 non-stick dressing x 2
7.5 x 7.5 non-stick dressing x 2
Adhesive dressing x 30
Alcoholic swabs x 10
Antiseptic wipes x 4
Burn aid dressing 10x10 cm x 1
Burn aid gel sachet x 5
CPR face shield x 1
Disposable nitrile gloves x 3 pairs
Durable utility box with tray x1
Emergency First Aid Guide x 1
Emergency shock blanket x 1
Eye pad x 2
Eye protectors x 1
Fracture splint x 1
Gauze (5 pack) x 4
Instant ice pack x 1
Micropore non-allergenic tape x 1
Safety pins x 6
Saline solution x 5
Splinter probe x 5
Sterile forceps x 1
Sterile scissors x 1
Triangular bandage x 2

Outback First Aid Kit


    Courses are offered by LivCor, RTO 3586’ All Students will be enrolled with LivCor, RTO 3586 which will be responsible for the quality of training and assessment provided and for the issuing of Statements of Attainment for the units of competency on its scope.

    The accredited training and assessment will be conducted by Designer First Aid Solutions under LivCor responsibility and direction.

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